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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Animal Facts from WildKratts

Lately I’ve been learning from the WildKratt shows about animals:

Here are some of the things I learned about:

1) Did you know that beavers eat tree bark when they are hungry?

1) Did you know pigeons have a magnet in their brains that tells them where home is?

1) Did you know that elephants have around 2070 muscles in their trunk we have 270 in our whole bodies?
2) If an elephant can’t get leaves from a tree and they’re too high he will knock down the tree and get the leaves when they are on the ground.

1) Did you know birds go on black rhinos backs and if there is danger they will scream and give an alarm?
Why do they go on their backs? Because they eat ticks and other insects and they get food and the rhino gets cleaned.

1) Did you know that when a predator like a shark comes and tries to eat an octopus it changes color like a chameleon?
If the shark sees it, it can still get away by shooting out ink and then swim using jet propulsion.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Vocabulary words

I learned these words today:

 Gullible it means someone that can trick you very easily or you believe anything someone says.

Superb It means excellent. In my Wii soccer game the commentator always says superb save by the keeper.

Genre is a category mostly of music and art.

 Hunch means that your guessing based on something you know.

Imaginative  lets say you built a castle with blocks. An imaginative castle is something that is not real but from your imagination.