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Friday, March 25, 2016
The two Princes in the Tower
So a little after the battle of the roses, when Edward IV died his two sons lived in different places. One with his mother and the other with the mothers brother in a castle with tutors. But when Edward IV died there needed to be a new king. So the people wanted Richard III but the mother did not want him so she tried to make her older son be the king but one of Richard's followers sent him a message to come with a big army and become a substitute king. So he came and he took Edward and told everyone that he was safe with him but he was not. He put him in a tower and then told his mom to bring the other son because Edward was lonely. But she didn't want to give her son away so she ran to a church and hid there, but Richard's soldiers found her and took the child away and now there were two heir's to the throne in Richard III hands. He made himself king and executed the mothers brother and had a ceremony for him becoming king. But after a while Henry Tudor came and killed Richard III and he searched the tower and there was no one there. It was a mystery were the two brothers went.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
The battle of the roses
So the battle of the roses was a civil war in England. Henry VI was a baby but when he grew older he became a good king. But then after some time he started going mad. Some people say it was because of his grandfather of France that made him go mad because he used to go mad too. So Henry VI far off cousin duke of York, became a substitute king. The Duke agreed. But when Henry got better then the Duke of York would not get off the throne so Henry got an army and defeated the Duke's army and the duke himself. Now Henry was the king of England once more. But the fight for the throne wasn't over yet and the duke's son Edward went and attacked Henry with another attack and took the throne and threw Henry in jail. But then Edward fell in love with on of Henry's relatives but they wouldn't let him marry her so he did it in secret. When they asked him to marry a princess from another land then he had to confess that he had married Henry's relative. The people got mad and took Henry out of prison and attacked Edward and sent him fleeing. But when Edward came back he took the throne back and put Henry in prison. He said that he would be safe in Edwards hands but he was wrong and got killed in prison by someone who they think Edward sent. He was king for four undisturbed years until he died and his son became king but they said that he was too small so the people had Richard III become king. But then yet another royal cousin Henry Tudor came and challenged him to the throne. Richard had such a bigger army but they didn't fight hard so they god killed and they surrendered and even Richard died and Henry Tudor became king, and that was the end of the Battle of The Roses.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
My recent origami
This is a spiky balloon which is like the water bomb but it has pre creases which you press to make it spiky.
This is a snail which I made from a book, it is really hard to make.
So this is a stress reliever which I made from the Computer here is the picture that is when you push in.
Here is a seamless cube which I also made from the computer.
Here is a woven cube which I made from six modules.
So here is a bunny box I showed some people how to make.
Here are some dragons I learned to make on the computer. They look awesome.
Here is a battle between. The dragons and the dinosaurs.
Here is a super boomerang that actually comes back too you too.
Here is a 3-D transforming ninja star.
Here is a dinosaur, he is called a velociraptor .
Here are two swans that are making a heart.
France and England at war
So before the black death there were two forces fighting each other, the French and the English. But when the black death came around the two forces lost to many men and stopped fighting while the black death was going on but right after the black death they started fighting again. The king of England Henry V, told the king of France Charles VI that if he didn't give him his land and his daughter Kathrine then he would take his army and take him over. Charles VI knew that if he gave him his land then he would take his crown and he didn't want that, he also knew if he gave him his daughter then he might have children and say that France is his because of Kathrine. So he declined and with his message the Dauphin of France (or the prince) sent some tennis balls and told him to play tennis instead of attacking and use his energy for hitting the ball. When Henry V read this he was very mad, he sent a letter back and he told the dauphin that he would take his army and take him over. And so he did. He went and fought but he lost a lot of soldiers and wanted to go back home and try again next year because winter was beginning and it was getting cold. But the French did not let him have another try, they stopped him from going back home and they wanted to finish the English once and for all. Henry V knew that he was out numbered but he had no choice but to fight so he gave his men a speech and they set off to fight very strongly and they won the battle. Then the English went to take over more of France but one of the French citys was very precious and they could not afford to lose it so they put their men in their to garrison. It was called Orleans. The English surrounded it and put a siege up. But lucky for the French Joan of Arc popped up and she said she was sent by God. The people believed in he but the king not so much. He wanted to send her away but the servant insisted. The king wanted to know if she was really sent by God so he disguised himself and gave his crown and robe to a knight and called Joan of Ark in. She walked straight to the king and kneeled down and told him that she wanted to save him and help him have his crown back. So she took the army and her men fought ferociously they won the battle and went on to conquer more. Soon they conquered a city and they gave the king his crown back. But after this Joan of Arc got captured and she was put on trial but all of the people that like Joan of Arc were not aloud to be there. Soon she was executed and burned on the fire. The King did not do anything until 25 years after that! She was found innocent. The king started to feel bad once he got older. Henry V got Kathrine as his wife and they had children but he died shortly after that and his son a 1 year old became king.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Archimedes screw
So the Archimedes screw was obviously invented by Archimedes. It was used to get water from a lake or just water up onto plants. It works like this. Think of a spiral staircase, then think of you on the stairs, you are not moving, but then the staircase starts winding upward. Then there are these stoppers that don't let the water go down. Then at the top it lets the water out and keeps doing the same cycle over and over again. Archimedes was a famous scientist and here is a little story about him.

So the king during that time liked Archimedes a lot because he was smart and could solve problems for him. One of these problems was about a crown. He had asked one of his servants to make him a crown of gold. But he was worried that it wasn't all gold and asked Archimedes to come and solve the problem. Archimedes came but didn't solve the problem immediately, instead he went to his house to think about it. He was in his bathtub and then he saw how the water rose when he went in.
"EUREKA!"he cried and ran into the streets naked. He had solved the problem. This was called bouncy. You may have heard of it. This what he found out. He put a piece of gold the exact volume as the crown. The crown was more dense so it meant that it was not pure gold it was only leafed.
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