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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Getting a sheep - Narration

It had started to snow on April 2, 2018 in Newbury Massachussets. The Timothy family lived there and were very annoyed that it was snowing because it had been 80 degrees a couple days ago, and it had officially been the start of spring on March 20th. The Timothy family had recently gotten a Pregnant ewe that was most likely going to give birth to 2 lambs. London who was 13 yrs old had been sick but was getting better and only had a runny nose now had finished his breakfast with his mom was ready to go outside to see the sheep and give it its daily grain in the morning. His sister who's name was Skye had woken up late 10 O'clock, she could wake up this late because all of the kids were home schooled including Ian who was the oldest at 15. Skye was 10. London went out with Skye and mom and they went to feed the grain to the sheep  Hope ate it quickly and smelled everyone if they had more. "Let's take her out so she can walk around" said momSo we did, London opened the door and she walked out. We made sure that we all had grain so she would come to us. We walked to the back but then she stopped and started eating the grass a little. There wasn't that much grass anywhere else and she liked this little spot here there was some grass. So we walked back and fed her a little grain. "Let's go up on the other side" said mom So we went on the other side and she followed us. We found some spinach that mom had dropped the other day and fed it to Hope Mom noticed that Hope had a weird space in between her teeth. She pulled her mouth open and we saw there was a big space and a piece of grain in there. "Go see in your book if it says anything about that" said Mom and Skye ran back to the house. Then London and Mom walked back towards home and Mom searched on what plants are harmful to sheep because Hope was eating the grass that had some little bits of sumac in it. Mom found out that she couldn't eat dock and a few other things but sumac wasn't one of those, then she found that she could eat carrots and she remembered that she had two dried up gone bad carrots. "London go get those carrots so we can feed them to Hope" she said and London ran as fast as he could to go get the carrots. But when he ran so fast hope got startled and she ran away into our neighbors yard. Mom called her and held out her hand with grain but hope went farther away. So we followed her and we were afraid that she would go on the road and die there. She kept on running away! London went inside and got the carrots and got Skye. Skye didn't help much, and Hope wouldn't go to her either. Then Bubi came (Mom's dad) and Skye started yelling at him because he scared hope back towards the other yard. Bubi yelled back. Mom said not to get mad at him because he was trying to help. Then Bubi got a little grain and went to give it to her but she ran away. He said that it wasn't her grain that it was the chickens again and again, until Skye said she wasn't a Gloopachka. Then mom tried to grab her wool but she couldn't hold onto Hope. Then London gave Hope a carrot and she gobbled it up. Then Bubi came. London gave her the bigger carrot but didn't let her eat it he pulled on it while she pulled back, while this was happening Bubi came up from behind and grabbed onto her wool, she tried to get away and Bubi fell onto his knees and London fell down but Bubi held on and he got control of her. Mom came to the rescue (what an awesome mommy!), and put the leash around her neck and London fed her the carrot. We led her back into the stall and we all breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then Skye went to take the chickens out of the stall and Bubi held Hope in place. Once she got them out and got out herself, Bubi was to come out and she said "He's going to let her out now" I couldn't believe my ears when she said that and was going to teach her a lesson but because London is always so nice he didn't hurt her. (until after :)

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