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Monday, January 2, 2017

The match window

So lately I have been doing a lot of puzzles.

In including the Rubik's cube which I can solve in under 90 sec.

Brain teasers and logic puzzles.

I also got a few wooden puzzles including a diamond cube, an X in a box and the mouse trap. I have solved all of them except the diamond cube.

I just did a puzzle that was with match sticks and this is what it looks like so you can set it up.

You have to remove 6 matches and there can be no hanging ones. At the end there have only 3 squares remaining. (I'll leave a hint at the end of this blog post).

I also got another cool book called FableHaven Book of Imagination by Brandon Mull where you can fold your own stuff and do riddles which is really fun. There is also a secret message about his next book, but you have to go through all the other ones to find it.

On my rubik's cubes when I started I didn't know how to solve it, but I saw my friend doing it so I figured I could learn. The night after I researched how to solve I found a way to solve it and then a couple of weeks later I could do it without looking at any hints and then a week after that I could do it in 90 seconds.

(Hint for match puzzle: The big square around has to stay there, so you only remove matches from the middle)

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